Welcome to my Blog!!

Hi, I’m Alyson, a wedding a portrait photographer based in Huntsville, AL. I love Jesus, my family, photography and life!!! So much of our memory is tied to photographs. Just one picture of a special time or moment can bring back a rush of memories and emotion. This blog will keep you posted on all my new weddings and events. My personal page shows a little more about my life and what I’ve been up to!! Please send comments if you have any questions or just want to say Hi! Enjoy!!

Family Fun

Thursday, June 3, 2010

We've also gotten to spend a lot of time with my brother and sister in law over the last month and that's been so fun!! The girls absolutely love their Uncle Gohn and Aunt Wala and their dog Barley or as the girls say BA-lay!!

We also spent the weekend with our family in Gatlinburg at the Wilderness Lodge and had a great time. I didn't take any pictures that weekend but on the way home the girls were getting fussy and we were singing songs with them. We were singing that silly song where you take their name and say Payton Payton bo bayton banana fanna fo fayton me my... You get it. Well we started doing their names and ours etc. and then I would say "who next" John... Laura... John... Laura... John.... Laura... and so it went for 20 minutes. I would sing about Mommy and daddy and then they would just yell John or Laura till we did theirs again!!

So here's some shots of the girls with Gohn and Wala when they came to stay with us for the weekend!!

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