I'm a little late on this post, as always, but we had such a great time at Tate Farms a few weeks ago. Pat took off a half day so we wouldn't have to fight crowds and it was a perfect day. Beautiful weather, great friends and a whole lot of fun. I absolutely love having twins, but it hasn't always been easy going places. Double stroller, two sets of bottles, snacks, not to mention two babies... But we love it. But saying that, going places has always been fun mixed with a little headache. This was the first day we have taken the girls somewhere that has been all fun all day!!! A huge deal!!! They were perfect!! No fits, no cries, just 2 happy babies!!! YEAH!!! So here are some shots of our oh so fun day!!!!

Our sweet friends we went with

The girls LOVED the corn crib!! They only tried to eat kernals a few times.

All the kids!!

Sheer JOY!!

I love my man :)

Picking out the perfect pumkin/ playing in the dirt!!

Finishing up a with a hay ride. I love great days!!!

Of course there were tons more pictures:
1 comment:
So cute! Such precious girls. Looks like they had a lot of fun! Your blog pictures put mine to shame. They are so perfect and clear. I think I am going to run out and buy one of those cameras! LOL! :)
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