As I said in a previous post, we had a lot of really fun Christmas traditions at our house. I truly looked forward to this time of year and enjoyed it as a child and still as an adult. There are some new traditions I'm hoping to start with the girls such as the Birthday Party for Jesus and the Jesse Tree Advent ornaments (haven't found any yet). So I have only about 6 friends that ever comment on my blog and I am hoping the reason is I never open a question to comment about... So I am asking everyone to share one of their favorite or most unusual Christmas traditions.
The most unusual we ever did was blowing up our Christmas tree on New Years. I grew up out in the country (until Jr. High) and since we always had the "perfect" real tree. On New Years we laced it with hundreds of firecrackers, gasoline and lit it up at midnight!! Fun stuff!! Since I try to always to leave at least one picture, here's my little girls fresh out of the bath, in footed pajamas, enjoying the tree in their rocking chairs (can life really get better than this!!)~notice how bare the bottom of the tree is from ornaments (all the shatterproof ones were down there and have secretly been pulled off one by one and are hidden throughout the house!!)
Please share your favorite Christmas tradition!!
Welcome to my Blog!!
Hi, I’m Alyson, a wedding a portrait photographer based in Huntsville, AL. I love Jesus, my family, photography and life!!! So much of our memory is tied to photographs. Just one picture of a special time or moment can bring back a rush of memories and emotion. This blog will keep you posted on all my new weddings and events. My personal page shows a little more about my life and what I’ve been up to!! Please send comments if you have any questions or just want to say Hi! Enjoy!!
Christmas Traditions- Share Yours!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
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6:13 AM
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I asked this question the other day. I got many quick ideas like the Elf on the Shelf, the Christmas Pickle, gingerbread houses, cookies for neighbors, caroling, looking at lights, annual ornaments, visiting Santa... But a few I try to definitely incorporate are: new matching PJs to put on the night before for the entire family if possible (great for pictures), reading a book (many were recommended) then everyone around signs it with day and temperature (years later after grandparents deaths they can look back at the names), a birthday party for Jesus (she already made his card), and the Christmas Memory Wreath (where I will attach something annually to a wreath that will remind me about that child for the year).
My favorite tradition was my sister, brother and I always got to open one gift on Christmas eve before we went to bed. Magically though it was always PJS. It took me years to figure out that it was ALWAYS going to be PJs. Mom had to have us clean and cute for the video camera the next day.
Growing up my mom would always give my sister and I a new pair of PJs on Christmas Eve. Also up until my sister graduated high school we always slept together Christmas Eve and stayed up late giggling instead of trying to sleep. Each year we get a new ornament from mom as well, that way when we grew up and got married we had a tree full of ornaments with special memories. We always made Christmas cookies using this one special recipe that we only used for them.
I love hearing about people's traditions!
so probably one of my favorite memories is of the three of us sleeping in the same room and waking up at 4 or 5am and using the upstairs phone line to call mom on the down stairs phone to see if we were allowed to come down yet.... and we never could! hahah.... i miss that..... and that mom would hide our stocking so we found them on the way down the stairs and we would peek and say "john! you got a movie" or "aly, yours in on the stairs!! its packed!"
i love you! Merry Christmas Sister!
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