If you can tell I am extremely excited about last night!! The girls have been slowly getting longer every night but I decided to try and hold them off to see if they just needed a little comfort to go back to sleep in the middle of the night or actually needed to eat. I have stopped pumping in the middle of the night so that when they were ready I would be too!! I didn't want them to be hungry but I also want them to sleep through the night!! So I had to go in twice for Savanah and give Payton her paci once and we made it from 8:30 to 7 this morning!!!! YEAH!!
Some other big things that have happened... the girls have found eachother!! They are finally looking at and smiling at eachother and it is so cute. It's like they try to figure out what the other one is. The other night after we fed them in the middle of the night they laid in the bassinet and talked to eachother for like an hour!! It was so funny!! Like Pat said you just can't get mad at them for being up when they act so cute!!!
They have now both laughed out loud and it's so cute and very different from eachother. They also have started playing in their jumping seat and are loving that. They are getting easier and more fun with each day. I feel so blessed and couldn't imagine how different my life would have been with only one of them!! It truly is double trouble and double blessing :)
So I saw this on another blog and since I plan on using the blog for their "baby book" I wanted to tell you a little bit about each of my girls and show you how different they both are!! So here's a little summary of the first 4 months:
Savanah Claire Clemons

- That is my outfit I wore when I came home from the hospital (Mom teared up when she pulled it out for the picture, we were so little)
- I was born first (by 3 minutes) and was smaller (by 2 ounces)
- I wasn't smaller for long...I decided I love to eat and have passed Payton by about 2 pounds
- Everyone said Payton pushed me out and I would have stayed in longer
- When I first came home I was so quiet and then when I was about 6 weeks old I found my voice and learned to cry (a very high pitched cry/shriek) ~ Our cries are so different mom and dad can hear us whimper and know which one it is
- I am a very happy baby and only cry when I am hungry, you take my bottle before I'm done or am not tired and you put me to bed
- Everyone says I am just like my daddy: I look like him, I am laid back like him and I only get mad when I'm hungry like him :)
- My nicknames are/have been: little bird (when they were in the nicu and mom and dad would come in we would open our mouths like little birds~then we learned to scream for it), munchkin, chunky monkey, Mini Pat, Clemons head (that one is from my Pappy (Pat's dad) since they think I look just like a Clemons) and Big Bit ~ I know we'll have to lay off the chunky names when she's older but it's so cute now!!!
Payton Elizabeth Clemons
- I was born second and pushed my sister out. I weighed 2 ounces more and came out talking
- My mom and dad picked out our names before we were born but daddy named us. He named me Payton Elizabeth because my moms middle name was Elizabeth and he thought I looked like her (and now they say I act like her too)
- When I was born my hair was strawberry blond and while it is still changing, they think I might be a red head
- I am Very Expressive!! That comes in many forms: I love to smile, laugh, scream, whine, fuss and then smile/cry (when I can't decide if I'm happy or sad) ~ I am a handful for my mom and dad, but they love me!
- I have 2 dimples
- I love to have my diaper changed now (hated it when I was little), but now when I am screaming mom and dad just put me on the changing table and I start talking and smiling ~ I love bath time but HATE to get out and tell mom for the next 30 minutes that I didn't like it
- My nicknames: little bird, Pay Pay (aunt Ashton), Munchkin, Mini Aly and Little Bit
It's amazing that I could have 2 babies at the same time that are so incredibly different in looks and personality. They bring more joy to our lives than we could ever explain. Praise God that he knows us better than we know ourselves and knew what we needed in our lives.
Sorry for such a long post but I had a lot to share today!! Here's the rest of the recent shots!!
they are perfect!!! I loved this posts!!!
Aly! They are getting so big! I loved reading about each one and think it is just too cute that they have finally "found each other"! Congrats on no feedings during the night! You are right, it does get easier and easier....... Have a good day!!!!
Okay second try! For some reason when I post on blogs it does not make it! :)
What an accomplishment girls! That is great that they are making it through the night without a bottle. I remember how excited I was when that happened!
You are not kidding when you say Savanah looks like daddy and Payton looks like moma. I could tell in the family picture for sure! I could also see how much the girls favor in the picture with the toile outfits. Simply adorable!
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