First of all I have to say ROLL TIDE!!! It was so fun to finally win again!!! I have only been an Alabama fan for about 8 years so needless to say, I haven't gotten to enjoy to many victories :)
So last night was a big night. The girls slept in their nursery for the first time last night and they slept in separate beds for the first time too!!!! They did great. They took a bottle at 9:00 and didnt wake up again until 3 & 4. It was amazing!!! Their cries dont wake eachother up but they are getting too big to share the bassinet and can hit eachother with their arms and bounce the whole thing by kicking the bottom with their feet. It was time. It was a little sad (the nursery is all the way on the other side of the house) but it was good too. (Here's some new cute shots of them)

I had gotten really lazy with the girls schedule since we moved into the house and hadn't been sticking with Baby Wise like I'd been doing since they were born.... so they've been pretty fussy and we kept thinking it was belly aches or just fussiness but I realized I was letting them get sleep deprived. I hadn't been putting them down for naps, I was just letting them fall asleep in the boppy or swing etc and on no particular schedule. Well I'm back on and last night and today have been amazing. The girls are taking their 4th nap of the day right now and have been soooo happy when they've been awake!!! I'm mad at myself for letting them get so worn out but at least we are fixing it now!! Now hopefully we are close to sleeping through the night!!
We had a great Thanksgiving!! We went to Nashville to visit my grandparents and my cousins from Maryland came down for the whole weekend. It was so great hanging out and having so much help with the girls!!! I miss them already. Morgan is getting to come down for another week in December so that will be great!! Rick, Coleen and their kids came over for the game on Saturday and we had a great time catching up. Levi is a month older than the girls so I know it will be so fun as they get older.

they are just precious. so glad ya'll had a good thanksgiving...can't say i am to happy about that game though ;)
I must really like Savanah & Payton to say what I am about to say- "They were too cute in their bama outfits" PHEW That was tough! :) War Eagle!
I can not believe they have gotten so big. Time sure does fly. SAVOR EVERY SINGLE MOMENT.
Oh and Congrats on the girls sleeping in their own room in their own beds. Maycie-Grace started sleeping in her bed at 2 months as well. I slept much better-of course I woke up a thousand times during the night looking at the monitor and often visited her room just to be sure she was okay!
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